Category Archives: Boom Shakalaka

Boom Shakalaka

When you see the words Boom Shakalaka you know somebody is serious about whatever they are doing! Most people feel that way about Friday as the attached picture states. I try to feel that way about my Life. For me Boom Shakalaka says: Yeah right! I did that!

Yes, there are some days that boom shakalaka-ing is just not possible but overall that is my philosophy. I have gradations of boom shakalaka-ing in my life. I go from busting-at-the-seams shakalaka-ing to yeah-right-boom-shakalaka days.

On my over the top boom shakalaka days I am all about taking what makes me, me to the world. What makes me, me is my ‘it’: my creativity, my kindness, my ability to trust the Universe, my ability to laugh after tragedy and my belief in myself.

So figure out what your ‘it’ is and then take it, to the world! Hard!

Suggestion: Boom Shakalaka at least once a day!

Friday boom shakalaka