Category Archives: Patience

Joyful Waiting

I am currently waiting – waiting for the next experience to present itself.  I’ve done all that I can do and now I must be patient as the Universe unfurls my next adventure. It’s coming. I know it is. And I’m ready. But I am not going to rush anything. I have in the past wanted to move things along. But not this time; this time I am going to wait. I’m going to trust.

I’ve worked my part of the equation. I know the other side will meet me with the path laid out. All I have to do is step on the first steppingstone like the yellow brick road. I am aware the golden path will not be smooth and uninterrupted but for sure it will be there. Life is always a combination of smooth and rough, which can make me crazy, if I let it. Not this time.

I refuse to listen to that negative voice that likes to whisper in my ear. I will have none of that. Nope I’m going to enjoy the wait and the silence. Ears perked up for the Universe’s whisper. Yep that is what I’m going to do. Wait. Listen. Trust. Know. Believe.

I am joyfully waiting with open arms and heart! ♡

(c) Valerie Lee 2016

Black Woman Basking in the water and sun

Follow Your Yellow Brick Road2

